Stackers and electric trolleys "EP"

- Max. lifting height is 5.5 m
- Load capacity is up to 1.6 t
- A full view of the workspace
- Pedestrian mode (when the platform is folded)

- Load capacity: 1 000-2 000 kg
- Lifting height: up to 3 600 mm
- Low speed of operation
- The best solution for small areas

- Load capacity: 1200-2000 kg
- Fork length: 1150-2400 mm

- Load capacity: 1200-3500 kg
- Fork length: 1150-2400 mm
- Speed: up to 14 km/h
- Versatility in use

- Lifting height is up to 5 000 mm
- Working aisle is 3200-3385 mm
- Rated load capacity is 1200-1500 kg
- Residual load capacity is 300-750 kg

- Working aisle (Ast, right angle stacking aisle): 2700-3300 mm
- Load capacity: up to 2500 kg
- Lifting loads to a height of up to 12 m
- Possibility to pick up the pallet from either side

- Aisle width (Ast, right angle stacking aisle): from 2.9 m
- Lifting height: up to 12 m
- It is ideal for high structures
- Possibility to pick up the pallet from either side

- It is not exactly easy to use
- Video monitoring is required

- Maximum lifting height: 5 to 12 m
- Load capacity: 1000 kg

- Load capacity: 1 000-5 000 kg
- Fork length: 800-2 400 mm
- A large choice of steering wheels and suspension rollers
- Affordable cost

Sklad Service is pleased to present a series of warehouse equipment EP! Models of this series differ in the best price against euro analogues without loss of productivity. They are maneuverable and ergonomic. Will reduce labor costs and streamline the internal warehousing logistics of retail space, production, hangar, terminal, etc.
Frequently asked questions
Штабелер используется на складах для подъема, транспортировки и погрузки поддонов, не требует специальных навыков для выполнения работ.
Цены на электрические штабелеры в SSK начинаются от 184 800 грн и более в зависимости от грузоподъемности модели и других характеристик.
Электрический штабелер работает от АКБ. Чтобы зарядить его, подключите зарядное устройство к стандартной электрической розетке. Следуйте инструкции от производителя, по продолжительности и частоте зарядки.