Sklad Service

We create integrated solutions for efficient logistics

Sklad Service

About us

The success story of our team began in 2005

Young, but very ideological and competent professionals came together to create Sklad Service.

What should have set us apart from the competition? We knew for sure that in addition to high quality, decency, responsibility and speed are important in our field.

This approach has helped us in the early years to overtake many competitors, gain a foothold in the market and become a leader in its niche. We are proud to have many of the top managers and engineers with us since our inception.

About us About us About us

Our strengths

25 000+
Implemented projects
20 years
Successful work in the market
Qualified specialists
Customers become regulars
Склад Сервис
Our strengths Our strengths Our strengths

Our work

What interesting and useful can we offer?

We supply shelving systems, conveyors, trucks, automated storage systems, lifting tables, plastic containers, waste bins.

You can buy from us not only new equipment, but also used.

We officially represent Stow from Belgium and Marco Group from Sweden. We exclusively import Sulo (Germany) and EP Equipment, as well as other Ukrainian equipment.

We are able and ready to solve a set of tasks: to implement functional ideas, effectively using the customer's area. We offer options and combinations, so that the result is the most elaborate project on the specified parameters and budget.

We provide quality service and support at all stages of cooperation, so that working with our team leaves only the best impressions and allows you to build long-term partnerships and friendly relationships with customers.

Our mission Our mission Our mission

Our mission

Solve even the most difficult and unusual task of the client

Sklad Service aims to remain a leading provider of innovative solutions in the field of warehousing logistics and to develop this area in Ukraine, based on European and world experience.

In our portfolio of works the best world and domestic companies and brands, with many of them we cooperate on a regular basis. Therefore, every new customer can be sure of a good end result.

We conduct a phased audit with analysis of drawings, measurements, identification of cargo features, and provide complete technical and commercial information on delivery. The final result always corresponds to the initial approvals.

We provide support at all stages of cooperation, so that working with our team leaves only the best impressions on the client
Oleksiі Kuzmenko Oleksiі Kuzmenko Oleksiі Kuzmenko
Oleksiі Kuzmenko
Our team
Employees are the main value of the company

Of course, the people who work with us are an important part and continuation of our brand, so the selection of new employees is a very important story.

It is not without pride that we note that thanks to this approach, the atmosphere of the Sklad Service team is very friendly.

Employees not only productively and cohesively solve work tasks, but also spend free time together: go to the mountains to spend the night, rafting on the river, fly to sea and engage in other activities.

Our team Our team Our team

Our team

Kuzmenko Oleksiі Kuzmenko Oleksiі
Kuzmenko Oleksiі
Beda Volodymyr Beda Volodymyr
Beda Volodymyr
Chief Operating Officer, HRD
Sushko Sergiy Sushko Sergiy
Sushko Sergiy
Head of the rack systems department
Bendyak Yaroslav Bendyak Yaroslav
Bendyak Yaroslav
Head of the automation department
Roshchina Irina Roshchina Irina
Roshchina Irina
Chief accountant
Gorbovsky Andrew Gorbovsky Andrew
Gorbovsky Andrew
Head of logistics department
Sokyrko Victoria Sokyrko Victoria
Sokyrko Victoria
Head of HR department
Ostapenko Roman Ostapenko Roman
Ostapenko Roman
Head of the installation department

Our clients

The best indicators of the quality of the company's work are the names of leading clients and partners
We are proud that the top companies have chosen us, trust us to support their projects, and have been friends and partners with us for many years.
Reviews Reviews and thanks 57
Дубнов І.В.
TOB "OMHI ЮНIT", в особi директора Дубнова Івана Васильовича, висловлює подяку ТОВ "СКЛАД СЕРВІС КИЇВ" за спроектоване та реалізоване рiшення стосовно організації потоку товарів за допомогою конвеєрних та стелажних систем згідно нашої специфіки роботи.
Сахно О.В.
Директор з складської логітстики
ТОВ "Патріот Рентал Сервіс" дякує за успішну співпрацю і своєчасність поставок обладнання на Склади нашої компанії. Наша компанiя користується послугами "Склад Сервіс Київ" вже довгий час.
Андрієвський С.А.
Генеральний директор
ТОВ «АВТОКОМПОНЕНТИ «АВТЕК», в особi Генерального директора Андрієвського Сергія Амполійовича висловлює свою подяку ТОВ «СКЛАД СЕРВІС КИЇВ» за проектування та реалізацію мезоніну разом із стрічковим конвеєром для спуску товарів.
Негой Т.
Помощник руководителя
ООО "Данзас Киев, ЛТД" выражает глубокую признательность коллективу фирмы "Склад Сервис" в связи с плодотворным сотрудничеством, сложившимся во время изготовления стеллажей для сотрудников нашей компании.
Show more

Our certificates

Warehouse racks Warehouse racks
Lifting tables Lifting tables
Warehouse equipment Warehouse equipment
Plastic tare Plastic tare
Waste bins Waste bins

Do you want to join our team?

Write to us if you like to solve non-standard problems and are ready to offer innovative solutions

You are our man, if you want to develop in the field of warehousing logistics, open to new solutions and opportunities.

The Sklad Service team is constantly learning, participating in seminars and exhibitions, and we are happy to give employees the opportunity to learn something new and grow in their field. We have enough resources to help you pump professional skills and gain knowledge.

We are a team of like-minded people who not only always support each other at work, but also know how to have fun outside the office. If the above has responded to you, and you are ready to build a successful career in warehousing logistics - be sure to write to us. We are always looking for "our own".

Do you want to join our team? Do you want to join our team? Do you want to join our team?
What we offer
  • Modern office in Livoberezhna
  • Salary twice a month
  • Official employment (vacation and sick leave)
  • Active and cheerful team
  • A clear list of tasks for the day / week / month
  • Corporate parties and team buildings
If you have not found the right vacancy but want to join our team, feel free to send your resume by email