Sklad Service

Our company offers full range of services for loading and warehouse equipment

The company's specialists are highly qualified and experienced, which allows us to satisfy almost all the needs of our customers in loading and warehouse equipment.
Sklad Service
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Warehouse automation services
Warehouse automation services
Warehouse automation is a set of technologies, methods and systems that allow you to control and improve the operations of the warehouse using various automated devices, scanners, robots and software.
Logistics audit
Logistics audit of business processes is an expert assessment of the operational activities of a warehouse, production premises, or point of sale. 18 years of experience of our experts in this area and the number of audits conducted allow us to offer two options for audit services: express audit and comprehensive (complete).
Development of a logistics project
The development of a logistics project is usually required in the following cases: there is a desire to build a new warehouse, you need to reorganize and optimize the processes in the existing objects. In both cases, there are certain points.
Warehouse automation (and optimization of individual zones)
Warehouse automation is a complex task that involves integrating software together with hardware. Automation can be complete and / or partial. Full automation is necessary with a sustainable business that intends to further scale processes. Partial automation is advisable if certain processes or warehouse sections should be optimized. Partial automation, which is carried out by professional teams, can eventually be integrated into a full one.
Logistics consulting
Logistics consulting is a service that precedes optimization processes in the warehouse, manufacture, and trade. The goal of consulting is to improve the efficiency of logistics processes. It covers various aspects of warehouse operation: from analyzing product flows, organizing the placement of goods in storage, to ensuring security and protection against theft and damage.
3D modelling and simulation
Modelling of warehouse operations is the construction of 3D computer models that reflect the main processes occurring in the warehouse. These models allow you to analyze and predict various aspects of warehouse activity, such as the movement of goods in the warehouse, the use of equipment, and find out the bottlenecks.
Loading equipment maintenance services
Loading equipment maintenance services
Buying loaders is only part of the matter, knowing how to inspect and maintenance is another. Trust those who do it every day.
Service (technical) service
Service (technical) service is the maintenance of equipment operability. According to the law, it is necessary to conduct a primary, periodic and special technical inspection. Primary – when purchasing equipment. Periodic – before each work shift and always once a year. Special — after repairs, lack of operation for a year, or intervention, such as modernization.
Loader, forklift repairs
Depending on the complexity of the work, loader repairs can be performed both on the basis of the customer and in our service center.
Diagnostics of warehouse and loading equipment malfunctions
Various operating conditions and the human factor lead to violations of the operability of equipment. This can be prevented thanks to diagnostic work. They detect the presence of problems at an early stage and allow you to prevent breakdowns.
Battery service (traction batteries)
Traction batteries ensure the operation of warehouse equipment: reach trucks, electric stackers, electric carts, warehouse tractors.
Installation of solid cast tires
Solid-cast tires are characterized by the fact that they require a force of 10 to 140 tons to be mounted on loader wheels, depending on the size. To do this, you need to have special equipment so as not to damage the tires, wheels and workers themselves.
Selection of used storage equipment
Selection of used equipment is one of our top services. Sklad Service cooperates with the largest fleets of used special equipment in Europe, for the quality of which we are responsible for our reputation. In addition, we have a large customer base in Ukraine and receive offers to buy trucks, which we carefully check and prepare for further sale.
Loader leasing
Do you have a significant cargo or trade turnover, and your business needs to develop and speed up operations? Then you can't do without additional equipment. To do this, of course, you will have to withdraw significant financial resources, reduce the monetary capital of the company. But there is a way out.
Warehouse truck rental
Time is money. Money should work for you. The service of renting loaders, reach trucks, stackers will allow you not to divert significant funds in the purchase of expensive equipment, but to increase turnover, due to the fact that it will work on your areas when you need it.
Maintenance of racking systems
Maintenance of racking systems
Serviced (scheduled) technical inspection and timely repair of rack systems is a mandatory step to ensure trouble-free and continuous operation of the warehouse, which in the future will reduce the likelihood of stopping operational processes to a minimum.
Service inspection of the warehouse racks (audit of shelving structures)
Service inspection of warehouse racks is the process of checking the technical condition and safety of using racks. During the inspection, it is checked for damage, deformations, corrosion and other signs of wear. They also check the correct installation, fixing and uniformity of the load on the shelf. After the inspection, a report is issued with recommendations for further use of racks and necessary repairs. Regular service inspection helps to ensure the safety of work and the safety of property.
Repair and replacement of structural elements of warehouse racking systems
Replacement of worn and damaged structural elements is a mandatory step to ensure trouble-free operation of the warehouse without stopping operational processes. To do this, our specialists check the technical condition of racking structures and their individual elements. Racks with detected damage, deformation, corrosion and other signs of wear are subject to repair (if suitable for it), restoration or replacement.
Warehouse relocation
Moving a warehouse is the most customized service that has many execution options. Works can be provided in the context of a complex project, or in the context of individual stages. Usually, relocation of the warehouse requires the following work:
Testing of warehouse racking structures
According to the order of operation, the racks are subject to testing 1 time a year. The results of verification and testing should be indicated in the protocol. In general, in order to avoid structural damage and prevent accidents, the owner should conduct regular testing work.
Installation and dismantling of racks
Installation and dismantling of racks in a warehouse is the process of installing and removing structures for storing goods. It includes an audit of the condition of the room (floor, fire safety system), placement of racks, shelves, fasteners and other elements of racks in accordance with the requirements of safety and storage efficiency. After installation, the racks are checked for strength and stability. When dismantling racks, the structural elements are disassembled, removed from the storage area, packed and, if necessary, transported to storage or to a new location.
Our experience
Implemented 25,000+ projects

Sklad Service aims to remain a leading provider of innovative solutions in the field of warehouse logistics and develop this area in Ukraine, based on European and global experience.

Examples of the best:

  • Project 3 in 1: three-storey mezzanine, conveyor, reinforced polypropylene boxes
  • On a princely scale: the Monomakh company increased the capacity of the warehouse during the crisis
  • Underground waste storage systems - modern, easy and aesthetically pleasing!
See all projects
We employ 80+ professionals

Each of our employees can boast of successful experience of working with the best global and domestic companies and brands.

We conduct a step-by-step audit with the analysis of drawings, measurements, identifying the characteristics of the cargo, and provide complete technical and commercial information on delivery. The final result always corresponds to the initial approvals.

Therefore, each new customer can be sure of a good end result.


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Яковлева А.Ю.
Директор функціональної служби
ДП «ФМ Ложістік Дніпро» в особі директора функціональної служби Яковлевої А.Ю. висловлює Вам подяку за роботи з встановлення стелажних систем на території нашого складського комплексу.
Лі Хі Сіг
Директор ТОВ "Самсунг Електронікс Україна Компані"
Компанія ТОВ "Самсунг Електронікс Україна Компані" в особі директора Лi Xi Сіг, висловлює свою щиру подяку колективу ТОВ «Склад Сервіс Київ" за поставку якісної та технологічної стелажної системи, яка повністю відповідає вимогам і потребам нашого підприємства.
Рижов А.М.
Директор філії
Дирекція оброблення та перевезення пошти АТ "Укрпошта" щиро висловлює подяку за професійне проектування та оперативне виконання проекту з розробки та поставки гравітаційного розсувного роликового конвеєра.
Машталап В.М.
Руководитель департамента по обеспечению производства
Коллектив СЕ Зуевская ТЭС ООО «Востокэнерго» выражает искреннюю благодарность коллективу компании ООО «Склад Сервис Киев» за оперативность и профессионализм в работе при поставке металлической мебели, соответствующей нашим высоким требованиям, а также за качественную и своевременную поставку в г. Зугрэс. Донецкой обл.
Лобова О.В.
Начальник управління обладнання
ТОВ «РУШ» висловлює щиру подяку ТОВ «Sklad Service» за професіоналізм у виконанні поставлених задач та бездоганно виконану роботу.
П'єр Кохадон
Директор ТОВ "Сингента"
Директор ТОВ «СИНГЕНТА», від імені всього колективу дякує ТОВ "Склад Сервіс Київ" за плідну співпрацю впродовж п'яти років.
Метельский П.І.
Генеральний директор
ТОВ "Автомобільний дім Атлант-М" висловлює щиру подяку компанії ТОВ "Імпорт Склад Сервiс" за багаторічну та плідну співпрацю.
Кознова Ірина
Начальник Управління забезпечення діяльності банку
АКЦІОНЕРНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО "ПЕРШИЙ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ МІЖНАРОДНИЙ БАНК" (надалі - «АТ «ПУМБ») висловлює ширу вдячність ТОВ «Склад Сервіс Київ» за професійне та бездоганне виконання своїх обов'язків. Перш за все, це повага до клієнта, грамотна консультація та розуміння побажань і очікувань клієнта, виходячи із запиту на виготовлення товару.
Дужак К.П.
Начальник отдела безопасности и административно-хозяйственной деятельности
Уважаемые партнеры, от имени компании "ДХЛ Интернешнл Украина", выражаю Вам нашу благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество. Ваш профессионализм, качество услуг, работ и лояльность заслуживает большого уважения и строит Вашу надежную репутацию, на которую можно с уверенностью положиться.
Логвин А.И.
Генеральний директор ООО "Маркасон"
Генеральный директор ООО "Маркасон" Логвин Андрей Иванович от имени всего коллектива благодарит компанию "Склад Сервис" за плодотворное сотрудничество по поставкам складского оборудования, металлической мебели, платформенных тележек и погрузочного оборудования. Наши компании активно сотрудничают с 2012 года, на сегодняшний день реализовано уже более 30 поставок.
Рогаченко С.Д.
Щиро дякуємо компанії за вдало завершені угоди та оперативну співпрацю! Ми неймовірно задоволені, що знайшли такого надійного партнера.
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