Sklad Service
Our company offers full range of services for loading and warehouse equipment
The company's specialists are highly qualified and experienced, which allows us to satisfy almost all the needs of our customers in loading and warehouse equipment.

Our clients
What services can we offer

Warehouse automation services
Warehouse automation is a set of technologies, methods and systems that allow you to control and improve the operations of the warehouse using various automated devices, scanners, robots and software.

Loading equipment maintenance services
Buying loaders is only part of the matter, knowing how to inspect and maintenance is another. Trust those who do it every day.

Maintenance of racking systems
Serviced (scheduled) technical inspection and timely repair of rack systems is a mandatory step to ensure trouble-free and continuous operation of the warehouse, which in the future will reduce the likelihood of stopping operational processes to a minimum.

Our experience
Implemented 25,000+ projects
Sklad Service aims to remain a leading provider of innovative solutions in the field of warehouse logistics and develop this area in Ukraine, based on European and global experience.
Examples of the best:
- Project 3 in 1: three-storey mezzanine, conveyor, reinforced polypropylene boxes
- On a princely scale: the Monomakh company increased the capacity of the warehouse during the crisis
- Underground waste storage systems - modern, easy and aesthetically pleasing!

We employ 80+ professionals
Each of our employees can boast of successful experience of working with the best global and domestic companies and brands.
We conduct a step-by-step audit with the analysis of drawings, measurements, identifying the characteristics of the cargo, and provide complete technical and commercial information on delivery. The final result always corresponds to the initial approvals.
Therefore, each new customer can be sure of a good end result.