Installation of solid cast tires

What tasks it solve
- Ensures correct tire disassembly and installation
- It does not distract the equipment from the workflow for a long time
- Improves the operational qualities of equipment
What are the benefits of this service
- Installation speed
- Availability of special equipment
- Own team of experienced installers
Solid-cast tires are characterized by the fact that they require a force of 10 to 140 tons to be mounted on loader wheels, depending on the size. To do this, you need to have special equipment so as not to damage the tires, wheels and workers themselves.
Sklad Service offers dismantling and installation works for solid cast tires (superelastic, gusmatik) on loader wheels.
In addition, we check the condition of the discs for deformations and can perform sandblasting, as well as painting the disc at the request of the customer.

How quality and control are implemented
Installation of solid cast tires has the following stages:

You create a request, and we respond promptly and make an appointment.

Our specialists carry out technical inspection, dismantling and installation, and, if necessary, form a report on the condition of wheels and tires.

No bureaucracy: your request – our services. We have flexible conditions, can work in a busy schedule and quickly respond to customer requests.