Testing of warehouse racking structures

What tasks it solve
- Checking the suitability for further use of structures
- Ensuring that elements are fixed in compliance with the operating rules
- Formation of options for repair and replacement of structural elements
What are the benefits of this service
- Order the service at a convenient time for the customer
- Technical inspection by certified specialists with many years of expertise
- Ability to select, repair or replace structural elements
- Obtaining an expert conclusion on the test results
According to the order of operation, the racks are subject to testing 1 time a year. The results of verification and testing should be indicated in the protocol. In general, in order to avoid structural damage and prevent accidents, the owner should conduct regular testing work.
These works contain:
- Investigation of deviations from the horizontal and vertical level of racks and beams.
- Evaluation of the appearance of beams, racks, and shelves.
- Inspection of the integrity of the weld or joint.
- Testing compliance with the standards of the step of placement of load-bearing supports and crossbars.
- Determination of compliance of the load capacity of the rack with those stated in the passport, measurements of residual deformation.
- Drawing up a rack testing report.
Testing work, as well as installation work, should be carried out by certified specialists in compliance with safety regulations and taking into account current standards.

How quality and control are implemented
Testing of racking structures has the following stages:

You create a request, and we will promptly prepare an offer. After outlining the scope of work, we conduct a technical inspection.

Our certified staff conduct technical inspections, inspect the working condition of racking systems for key indicators of their use in certain operating conditions. The results of acceptance tests are entered in the rack passport.

No bureaucracy – a quick request, a quick expertise. We have flexible conditions, can work in a tight schedule and quickly respond to customer requests.