Manoeuverable equipment for high warehousing

- Working aisle (Ast, right angle stacking aisle): 2700-3300 mm
- Load capacity: up to 2500 kg
- Lifting loads to a height of up to 12 m
- Possibility to pick up the pallet from either side
With their low height of around 2 metres, these stackers can lift cargo to 12 metres. The relatively compact dimensions ensure ease of operation and versatility in use. The reach truck can even pass through very narrow aisles between racks in a warehouse. At the same time, the design allows lifting

- Load capacity: 1500 - 3000 kg
- Lifting height: 7500 - 12400 mm
- Working aisle (Ast, right angle stacking aisle): 1800 mm
- Fork turn range: 220 deg.
Nalift articulated narrow aisle forklifts make it possible to transport and lift cargo and place pallets on racks without having to turn the cabin. These machines are often used in Class A warehouses, where space-saving storage is critical. In such conditions, the equipment must lift loads to the he