Alternative solutions for Ukrainian production
Plastic containers for MSW are widely used in every corner of the world, but some business executives treat them with prejudice. Some appeal to the consequences of rubbish fires, others consider metal containers to be more powerful and durable. There are also nuances with municipal equipment, as we need special vehicles to service German underground systems.

Problem solving options

Top sales
- System capacity: up to 5 containers 1100 l on one platform
- Maintenance by standard waste collection trucks
- Possibility of manual control during de-energizing
- Optional: automatic fire extinguishing system
suitable for
Multiple dwelling units
Residential complexes
Historical sites
Business centres
Entertainment centres
Underground systems based on a cantilever lift are an economical solution that allows arranging the territory aesthetically and organizing a modern system for collecting municipal waste. This equipment does not require special municipal vehicles, cantilever it lifts standard galvanised or plastic wa