Underground waste bins

- System capacity: up to 5 containers 1100 l on one platform
- Maintenance by standard waste collection trucks
- Possibility of manual control during de-energizing
- Optional: automatic fire extinguishing system

- High emptying speed
- Cleanliness and absence of bad odours
- Closed access for homeless people and wild animals
- Wide choice of design and functionality

- Ideal container for glass
- Vertical arrangement
- Access for people with reduced capabilities
- Many additional options

- Possibility to choose the colour of the column
- Space saving around the area
- Modern design and aesthetic appearance
- Easy disposal and sorting of waste

- Improved ergonomics
- They have the European standard EN 13071
- Optimized access for children
- A wide selection of different slots

- Ideal for large enterprises and residential complexes
- Closed access for animals, birds and rodents
- Wide range of design and functionality
- Ensures environmental friendliness and aesthetics of the urban environment

Where are underground storage and scrap collection systems used?
- In places with heavy traffic.
- Where hotels, public and private buildings, parks and businesses are located.
- In the city center, where with a large amount of scrap you need to ensure an attractive appearance of the territory.
What are the benefits of underground containers?
- Improve the urban landscape without taking up much space, and fit perfectly into the urban environment.
- Fight odors and restrict access to debris to rats and other animals.
- Improve visibility for motorists.
- Easy to use.
- Reduce the cost of logistics for garbage removal: in one deep container of 5 thousand liters is placed about forty garbage cans of 120 liters.
What is the difference between our container and the usual solid waste tank?
The biggest advantage of deep-type tanks is that they are completely or half submerged in the ground.
This design contributes to the fact that garbage does not scatter on the street, it can not be set on fire, it will not reach stray animals. Also due to the fact that garbage containers are placed in the ground, the service life is much longer.
An underground garbage can is a welded fully galvanized or riveted inner container. You have the opportunity to choose containers of different volumes (3, 4 and 5 m2).
The company "Warehouse Service" offers a variety of design options for external speakers: single-hook, with two hooks, three loops, with a pin, model Vivario. You can choose the color from the RAL palette for every taste. Moreover, we offer various structural coatings and effects on the outer column of the underground waste collection system. The advantage is an additional protective coating against graffiti and sticking ads on the receiver of deep containers.
The following speaks about the high quality of our product:
- Two-layer coating of metal structures with hot-drying varnish, which provides increased resistance to corrosion and ultraviolet radiation.
- The outer columns of the underground rubbish bins are made of durable 3 mm sheet steel.
- Garbage containers meet the requirements of the Outdoor Noise Protection Directive and can be used in residential areas.
New generation garbage cans are already on the Ukrainian market.
If you have decided to buy underground containers for garbage collection now, then you can find the perfect deep container for you at an affordable price on our website.
We deliver our products to all regions of Ukraine, but if you wish, you can pick up the purchased underground garbage container from our warehouse in Kiev.
If you have any questions, call: 073 972 11 40, and our managers will tell you about all the details related to the purchase and installation. Good luck buying!
Frequently asked questions
Место сбора мусора чистое и не создает беспорядок во дворах и улицах; нет неприятного запаха от разложения пищевых отходов; возможность раздельного сбора мусора, что экологически и экономически выгодно; мусор находится под землей и, следовательно, его не разносят собаки и птицы.
Во дворах жилых домов; на территориях общественных зданий, отелей, торговых центров; в парках и местах общественного пользования; в местах с интенсивным уличным движением; в центре города для обеспечения привлекательного внешнего вида территорий.