at 400 sq.m

Sports arenas and riding halls

  • High roof for all kinds of sports
  • Large width without intermediate supports
  • Strong and durable materials
from 7 000 UAH for sq.m.
Our clients
Нова Пошта
Pernod Ricard


Prefabricated arenas and halls are an economical alternative to capital construction. Tent sports facilities can be used for many sports, because the spanless width of the structure can reach 40 meters, and the length has no restrictions at all. The height of the roof ridge up to 13 meters will provide the necessary comfort and will not constrain athletes in tennis, volleyball, basketball and other sports.

They are designed for long-term (up to 50 years) and year-round use, to withstand significant climatic loads (wind - up to 30 m / s, snow - up to 300 kg / m2). The angle of inclination of the roof at 18, 22 and 38 degrees contributes to the smooth convergence of precipitation.

Suitable for

  • Tennis
  • Futsal
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Swimming pools
  • Ice rinks
  • Equestrian sports


Sports arenas and halls are made according to the technology of prefabricated buildings. They consist of steel/ aluminium trusses and are covered with a dense PVC fabric. More durable and energy-efficient materials, such as corrugated board or sandwich panels, can also be used for walls.

The absence of columns inside the building, ample opportunities in overall dimensions, the ability to withstand high loads (wind - up to 30 m / s and snow - up to 300 kg / m2), makes such premises a more profitable alternative to capital construction.

Installation of a prefabricated building can be carried out on any solid surface: soil, slab, crushed stone, concrete, asphalt, foundation. Specific requirements for the foundation should be considered with an understanding of the purpose of the room. For some sports, a solid floor is necessary, and if we are talking about an equestrian arena, there may be sand or a so-called dance floor for horses inside at all. In any case, the arrangement of the floor does not affect the safe operation of the building, a flat surface is sufficient for installation.

The modularity of the design and thoughtful design allow you to deploy pre-erected sports arenas and arenas in a matter of days. For example, it will take only 1-2 days to install a typical room with an area of 1,000 sq.m. Modular buildings are used year-round, even in severe frosts. Oil, electric stoves, heaters and other solutions can be used for heating.

If the room is planned to be used for a long time on one site, and it is necessary to provide effective heating in winter, it is better to consider the following wall options:

Profiled flooring–single-layer steel walls (T-18, T-35), which provide strength and prevent malicious intruders into the room.

Insulated sandwich panels (60 - 120 mm thick) are the most energy-efficient option, combined with heating systems (oil, electric stoves, heaters, other solutions) will create a comfortable indoor environment, no different from warm capital construction.

To increase the thermal insulation of the roof, you can also use additional options:

PVC double + Black Out – Black Out material is glued between two layers of PVC with the application of British reflective foil. Thanks to this coating, thermal insulation is provided in winter and the preservation of coolness on hot days.

Inflatable PVC is a two–layer PVC into which air is pumped, and a constant pressure is maintained with the help of a pump. This option is the most heat-saving and is suitable for effective heat preservation even in harsh winter conditions.

But the basic and most economical material for walls and roofs is PVC fabric (awning) – a lightweight and durable material that transmits light and provides protection from rain and wind. A sufficient level of illumination under such a roof during the daytime will reduce operating costs.

Sklad Service team helps in selecting the necessary materials according to the scope of use of tent warehouses, delivers to the facility, installation / dismantling, provides warranty and post-warranty service, conducts routine and unscheduled repairs.

Sports arenas and halls are manufactured using modern equipment based on the ISO 9001 quality management system. The official warranty from the manufacturer is 2 years. At the same time, the reliability and strength of the components ensures a service life of at least 50 years.


Width, mm
5 000 - 40 000
Height, mm
3 000 - 8 000
Length, mm
not limited
aluminum / steel
Roof type
gable / multi - gable
The slope of the roof, deg.
18, 22, 38
Roof material
Wall material
PVC / corrugated board T-18, T-35, sandwich panels

Terms of delivery

from 7 000 UAH/m2

The price of this type of product depends on the exchange rate, may be higher or lower, it is worth clarifying. The price also depends on the set of additional components you choose and the color of the product.

We draw your attention to the fact that prices are calculated individually depending on the volume of the order. There is a flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers.

Delivery time
under the order

Large and non-standard orders are discussed individually.

The company has a professional logistics department. We cooperate only with reliable carriers and guarantee quality delivery according to the stipulated terms. Self-pickup from our warehouse in Kyiv is also possible.

Terms of payment
different payment options are possible

We cooperate with legal entities and individuals, we accept payments in any convenient form.

The amount of prepayment is agreed in each case.

Protan Elmark (Norway / Poland)

In August 2008, the Norwegian company Protan AS, which has been on the market since 1939 and produces high-quality PVC materials, merged with the Polish company Elmark Hale, which has been producing large awning halls since 1989. Thanks to many years of experience, an exceptional offer has been created in the segment of buildings that are quickly erected on the basis of lightweight aluminum structures.

from 7 000 UAH/m2
Delivery time
under the order
Terms of payment
different payment options are possible
Protan Elmark (Norway / Poland)

The price of this type of product depends on the exchange rate, may be higher or lower, it is worth clarifying. The price also depends on the set of additional components you choose and the color of the product.

We draw your attention to the fact that prices are calculated individually depending on the volume of the order. There is a flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers.

Large and non-standard orders are discussed individually.

The company has a professional logistics department. We cooperate only with reliable carriers and guarantee quality delivery according to the stipulated terms. Self-pickup from our warehouse in Kyiv is also possible.

We cooperate with legal entities and individuals, we accept payments in any convenient form.

The amount of prepayment is agreed in each case.

In August 2008, the Norwegian company Protan AS, which has been on the market since 1939 and produces high-quality PVC materials, merged with the Polish company Elmark Hale, which has been producing large awning halls since 1989. Thanks to many years of experience, an exceptional offer has been created in the segment of buildings that are quickly erected on the basis of lightweight aluminum structures.

You viewed

Sports arenas and riding halls Sports arenas and riding halls Sports arenas and riding halls
at 400 sq.m
  • High roof for all kinds of sports
  • Large width without intermediate supports
  • Strong and durable materials

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Яковлева А.Ю.
Директор функціональної служби
ДП «ФМ Ложістік Дніпро» в особі директора функціональної служби Яковлевої А.Ю. висловлює Вам подяку за роботи з встановлення стелажних систем на території нашого складського комплексу.
Лі Хі Сіг
Директор ТОВ "Самсунг Електронікс Україна Компані"
Компанія ТОВ "Самсунг Електронікс Україна Компані" в особі директора Лi Xi Сіг, висловлює свою щиру подяку колективу ТОВ «Склад Сервіс Київ" за поставку якісної та технологічної стелажної системи, яка повністю відповідає вимогам і потребам нашого підприємства.
Рижов А.М.
Директор філії
Дирекція оброблення та перевезення пошти АТ "Укрпошта" щиро висловлює подяку за професійне проектування та оперативне виконання проекту з розробки та поставки гравітаційного розсувного роликового конвеєра.
Машталап В.М.
Руководитель департамента по обеспечению производства
Коллектив СЕ Зуевская ТЭС ООО «Востокэнерго» выражает искреннюю благодарность коллективу компании ООО «Склад Сервис Киев» за оперативность и профессионализм в работе при поставке металлической мебели, соответствующей нашим высоким требованиям, а также за качественную и своевременную поставку в г. Зугрэс. Донецкой обл.
Лобова О.В.
Начальник управління обладнання
ТОВ «РУШ» висловлює щиру подяку ТОВ «Sklad Service» за професіоналізм у виконанні поставлених задач та бездоганно виконану роботу.
П'єр Кохадон
Директор ТОВ "Сингента"
Директор ТОВ «СИНГЕНТА», від імені всього колективу дякує ТОВ "Склад Сервіс Київ" за плідну співпрацю впродовж п'яти років.
Метельский П.І.
Генеральний директор
ТОВ "Автомобільний дім Атлант-М" висловлює щиру подяку компанії ТОВ "Імпорт Склад Сервiс" за багаторічну та плідну співпрацю.
Кознова Ірина
Начальник Управління забезпечення діяльності банку
АКЦІОНЕРНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО "ПЕРШИЙ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ МІЖНАРОДНИЙ БАНК" (надалі - «АТ «ПУМБ») висловлює ширу вдячність ТОВ «Склад Сервіс Київ» за професійне та бездоганне виконання своїх обов'язків. Перш за все, це повага до клієнта, грамотна консультація та розуміння побажань і очікувань клієнта, виходячи із запиту на виготовлення товару.
Дужак К.П.
Начальник отдела безопасности и административно-хозяйственной деятельности
Уважаемые партнеры, от имени компании "ДХЛ Интернешнл Украина", выражаю Вам нашу благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество. Ваш профессионализм, качество услуг, работ и лояльность заслуживает большого уважения и строит Вашу надежную репутацию, на которую можно с уверенностью положиться.
Логвин А.И.
Генеральний директор ООО "Маркасон"
Генеральный директор ООО "Маркасон" Логвин Андрей Иванович от имени всего коллектива благодарит компанию "Склад Сервис" за плодотворное сотрудничество по поставкам складского оборудования, металлической мебели, платформенных тележек и погрузочного оборудования. Наши компании активно сотрудничают с 2012 года, на сегодняшний день реализовано уже более 30 поставок.
Рогаченко С.Д.
Щиро дякуємо компанії за вдало завершені угоди та оперативну співпрацю! Ми неймовірно задоволені, що знайшли такого надійного партнера.
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